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Telegram Management Professional Training

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Telegram Management

Learn Telegram Management in this Article

In this article, we try to teach you how to Telegram management . So that you can work with this social media more easily.

The Telegram social network was initially similar to the Whatsapp platform, but the Telegram professional team was able to turn the platform into one of the most popular and powerful applications globally by creating new and practical ideas.

The Telegram platform has high speed and security among other platforms. And now it is known as one of the most popular applications in the world.

Telegram Management

Factors that have made the Telegram platform popular with audiences around the world are

high speed, ease of working with Telegram, professional user interface, dedicated Telegram robots, dedicated channels, dedicated groups and other important features that all these features make This application finds a special place among social network users on a daily basis.
Telegram is so useful and popular that its users use phrases such as "Telegram the file for me" instead of "Google the file for me".
In addition to all the useful and practical features of Telegram, there are other features that are hidden from the view of some users, or they do not pay attention to them.
Telegram users if they are fully aware of the features of this application, they will realize the high power of this platform, to the extent that they prefer this application to other social media applications.
In this article, we want to introduce you to all the tricks of Telegram, some of which are secret.
Before reading this article, be sure to use the latest version of the Telegram platform, now if you are using the old version of this application, update it as soon as possible, so that you can use all the features And enjoy the tricks mentioned here.
Keep in mind that in the newer versions of Telegram, security and speed have been greatly increased.

In this article, we will teach you 8 amazing tricks, so that you can increase your power and ability in how to Telegram management.

Send Message

Send Message by Yourself !

In order to send your messages in Telegram, it is better to learn Telegram management in full, so that you don’t run into problems in the future.

You may also want to download a sticker pack, or decide to save text, photo, or video content in a storage box that you can use later.

So it is better to put this content in a place in Telegram first, which you can access later.

If you always write down the important points that you need during the day so that you can do them according to your list and wishes, we will teach you how to easily access this possibility in Telegram.

You can use this trick to have a private notebook for yourself in Telegram. So that you can Telegram management more easily. You use this trick even when you want to exchange files from one device to another.

In fact, by doing this, you can use your page as an external memory or online disk.

As you know, normally you can not send a message to yourself in the Telegram application, but using the trick we teach you, you can add this feature to your Telegram.

To use this trick, follow the path below to access your page
First, if your Telegram account does not have an ID, you must define a unique ID for it.
1- First, enter the "Settings" section. And click on the "Edit" option.

2- Now click on the "Username" option.

3- On this page, you must select your unique username, and then click "Done" to create your username.

After you have selected your desired username. Now you can enter this username after the "@" sign on the page of one of your friends or contacts. (For example, if your username is "Memberlak", write "@memberlakcom") and click the submit button.
Your ID must be displayed in blue.
You can click on your ID, go to your profile and click on the message icon to enter your "Personal Message" section. And whatever you want to say, say and write and send!
In addition to selecting the Username and the above method, there is another way to do this.
All you have to do is enter the phone number with which you are a member of Telegram. Save your name in the contacts field.
This will make your number like new friends who join Telegram, and you see them in Telegram, you can also find yourself in your Telegram contacts and send yourself messages and files.

Special Offer

Special Offer

If you want Telegram management to be simple and hassle-free for you. We suggest you use the "Buy Targeted Telegram Members" service for your Telegram group.

Send Image & Video

Send Images and Videos to your Audience Without Loss of Quality

On many social media after you post a picture, the image quality automatically decreases.

Also, if you are careful, the quality of the sent image will automatically decrease when you send an image on the Telegram platform.

In fact, the image or video your audience receives receives a lower volume and lower image quality.

Of course, this is an advantage and in general, images be sent and received much faster. And also consume less internet volume.

But do not worry, Telegram has a solution for this issue. Sometimes you want to send a picture to someone, so that your audience will print that picture after receiving it.

This method prevents the quality of the photo from decreasing by the Telegram application.

In fact, using this method, your contact will receive your submitted file with exactly the same original quality. Without changing its quality and size.

Telegram Management

You can use the following two methods when sending photos or videos to your audience in Telegram
1- First, enter your friend's chat page. Then click on the "Upload" icon, which looks like a paper clip icon.

2- In the opened window, two methods for uploading photos and videos will be displayed for you.
The first option is "Photo or Video", by selecting this option and sending the file through this, the volume and quality of your photo or video will automatically decrease by Telegram and then it will be sent to your friend.
The second option is "File", by selecting this option, your photo or video will be sent to the user in any quality and volume.
In the last image, you can see that we have sent two photos to the Telegram user in two different ways.

3- The first photo is in the form of a "File" that has been sent with the original size and quality.
And the second photo is sent as "Photo or Video", in this case, the quality and volume of the photo decreases.

View Channel Content

Viewing the contents of the desired channels without subscribing to them

One of the simplest and most practical tricks for Telegram management is to use this method.

In many social media, if you want to see the content of the channels, you must be a member of that channel or page.

But in Telegram, there is this feature so that you can follow their content without becoming a member of the Telegram channel.

But if you want to follow the content of Telegram channels, you must first join them. Subscribing to the channel causes you to be sent hundreds and maybe thousands of articles, photos and videos daily.

By subscribing to the channel, their managers can view the list of channel members and even send them messages.

This can sometimes lead to spam and unwanted messages from strangers. There is a secret trick in Telegram, so that you can view and follow the content of that channel without becoming a member.

In this way, the channel manager will not be able to notice your use of the channel, and in fact you are not a follower of the channel, but you can follow its contents.

1- All you have to do is enter the channel username. with the "@" sign in the text of one of the contacts or in the "Your private chat" section. (The same basic trick, "Send to yourself") Type and send the username of the desired channel on your chat page.
You can then click on the channel ID to enter the desired channel.

2- You will now see that you can view the contents of the channel without clicking the "Join" button.It is interesting to know that in the text of your chats, there will be no history of your membership in the channel and receiving new content.

Telegram Management

Delete contacts in Telegram

If you pay attention to the tips that we have provided for you in this article, it will be very easy for you Telegram management .

The Telegram platform has a list of hidden and server-oriented contacts, meaning that if you have saved contacts on any device that has already activated your Telegram account, they will be stored on other devices connected to your Telegram account, even if your device is new and be without previous contact!

This possibility is both an advantage and a great disadvantage in Telegram.

Its great weakness is the inability to delete from the Telegram server. But do not worry, because we have solved this problem using the following trick.

To use this trick, if you want to permanently remove the desired contact from your contact list, you must follow the steps below
1- First, we enter the desired audience "Profile" section. And click on the "Edit" option.

2- Then click on the "Delete Contact" option at the bottom of the page. To delete the contact forever.

Delete Account Telegram

Complete deletion of your previous account and activities in Telegram

If you want to manage your Telegram properly, we will teach you different ways Telegram management .

Sometimes you need to delete your Telegram account completely, along with your previous activities, so that no trace of you remains in the telegram.

Telegram Management

To use this trick, follow these steps
1- If you have decided to delete your Telegram account, all you have to do is go to link address first.
Then enter your mobile number, and click "Next".

2- In the new page, you will be asked for a confirmation code, which will be sent to you via Telegram.
Immediately, a message will be sent to your Telegram account, which contains a confirmation code, from Telegram Support.
After receiving the confirmation code, all you have to do is enter the received confirmation code in the "Confirmation Code" field, and then click on the "Sign In" option.

3- In the next step, you will enter a page, where you will be asked the reason for deleting the Telegram account.
This is enough, in the "Why are you leaving?" section, type "I don't use Telegram sometimes". And then click on "Delete My Account".
For security and safety issues, you will then be asked a question, which you must select "Yes, Delete My Account".
Now your account and activity history in Telegram will be completely deleted.

Edit Profile Picture

Delete profile pictures that you have used before

You’ve probably noticed that you can always see your audience’s avatar or profile picture in Telegram, and you can even see older images of some of them that were previously intended for their profile.

Sometimes you do not want your audience to see your profile pictures, we have a trick to solve this problem, which we will discuss below.

To use this trick, whenever you decide to change your profile picture, you must first delete your previous photo, and then select the new photo.

Follow these steps to delete your current photo
1- First, go to the "Settings" section, and click on "Edit".

2- Then click on the "Camera" icon.

3- Now click on the "Trash" icon or the "Delete Photo" option. To delete your photo forever.
To select a new image, go to "Settings", then click "Edit" and then click "Set New Photo or Video", and select the photo you want for your profile.
Your previous images are no longer visible to others.

Telegram Management

Changing the phone number in the telegram

You will find that the more tricks you learn, the easier it will be for you Telegram management .

One of the most interesting tricks of Telegram is to use the ability to change the phone number, with which you have registered in Telegram.

After working with the Telegram application for some time, you may not want to work with the phone that you first registered.

Or if you want to transfer or sell your phone number or you have bought another new SIM card and you want it work with that number in Telegram.

Do not worry about this subject. Because Telegram has solved this problem for you.

Telegram has small settings for such cases, that if you follow the steps below, you can change the number registered in your Telegram account.

Maybe tell me what will happen to your previous account information. But do not worry, Telegram has thought about it too.

All your previous account information such as (chats, photos, videos, files and contacts) will be transferred to the new number.

Be sure to note that changing the phone number in Telegram will remove your previous number from Telegram.

By changing the phone number in Telegram, your contacts will be notified of your new phone number and they can see your new number.

Telegram Management

To change the phone number in Telegram and enter the new number, follow the steps below
1- First, enter the "Settings" section. And click on "Edit".

2- Then click on the "Change Number" option.

3- Now in the opened page, click on the "Change Number" button.
And then notifies you that this will transfer all the information to the new number. At this point you should click on the "Ok" button.
On the next page you will be asked to enter a new number. After entering the new number, you must enter the activation code that was sent to you via SMS.
You will notice that your telegram will be transferred to the new number with all the information.

Telegram Memory

Significant internet savings and prevent mobile memory from filling up

If you have many friends in Telegram or you are a member of many channels and groups. Know that this will make your internet use more.

And most importantly, fill up your mobile memory sooner.

The reason for the high consumption of the Internet and the filling of mobile memory is that friends, channels and Telegram groups send you many files.

Telegram will download these files for you automatically. And this automatic download fills the memory and consumes a lot of Internet.

This causes many users to leave their telegram channels and groups.

But do not worry about it. Because in this article, we will teach you a trick to prevent this problem.

Telegram Management

To prevent the automatic download of files in Telegram, follow these steps
1- First, enter the "Setting" section. And click on the "Data and Storage" option.

2- In the page that opens in the "Automatic Media Download" section, there are two options for you.
The first option is the "Using Cellular" for your settings of mobile number Internet.
And the second option is "Using Wi-Fi" for your settings of WiFi Internet.
You must disable automatic downloads for both modes. To do this, enter the settings of both modes.

3- Now inactive the "Auto-Download Media" option. with inactive this option Telegram can no longer automatically download files for you.
After disabling auto-download, photos, videos, and downloaded files will be displayed as fade.
To watch photos and videos, you have to click on them to start the process of downloading the file.
With this simple and small setting, you will see how much your internet usage is reduced and it does not accidentally fill up your mobile memory.

If you enable the "Auto-download media" option. You can adjust the auto-load settings in more detail.
For example, you can enable auto-download for files only. And disable auto-download for photos and videos.
Or you can enable auto-download only for photos you receive from your contacts. And if auto-download is disabled for photos you receive from groups and channels.
You can even use more details for auto-download. Set the minimum file size and maximum file size for download.

Frequently Asked Questions
We have answered all your questions about this article.
If you do not find your answer, you can contact us for free through our support center.
Does Telegram reduce the actual size and quality of photos and videos?

Yes, if you send a file in Telegram. Telegram automatically reduces the size of that file.

But do not worry, because in this article we have taught you a trick so that you can send your photos and videos to others without reducing the size and quality.

Can I use a video file instead of a photo in my Telegram profile?

Yes, Telegram has recently made it possible for its users to use video files instead of photos.

Telegram management will be easy for you by reading this article.

Can we easily management Telegram by reading this article?

Yes, in this article we have taught you the very practical tricks of Telegram so that you can Telegram management without any hassle.

Can we send a message to ourselves in Telegram?

Yes, you can easily do that. In this article, we have fully explained this issue to you.

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