Because we can send your private message or your channel post as a direct message to targeted members using the " Buy Telegram Bulk Message " service.
This method is very useful for selling your products and services on Telegram. And it will make your business prosper in this field.
This method is very targeted and efficient.
If we can not deliver it at the estimated delivery time (if it is more than three days), we guarantee a refund.
We support customers around the clock. You can contact us at any time through our internal chat system, Telegram and our Email and WhatsApp addresses.
Using the panels designed and implemented by the Memberlak programming team, we send your advertising message or your channel's advertising post to users through the accounts we have. There is no limit to send messages to users , we can send your advertisements (Text, Photo, Audio and Video) to Telegram users.
We will start your orders as soon as you register. Your order will be prioritized and will start as soon as possible
You do not need to register to pay. You can pay with your credit card through the safest and most secure payment systems in the world.
Direct Message
Buy Telegram Direct Message
From now on, you can enjoy the very practical and attractive feature of Buy Telegram bulk message .
Save your time and money by using the bulk messaging service in Telegram, and with this very useful feature, have very useful and targeted advertisements in Telegram.
With this powerful service, we can send you a private message to all members of a group, or send a bulk message to a large number of Telegram contacts from an Excel file list.

Is it possible to send bulk messages in Telegram?
Yes, we can easily do this for you using the panels we have.
But this is not possible for you, in fact you can not do this through the Telegram application.
The makers of the Telegram app find this to be inconsistent with their goals. It should be noted that Telegram is primarily a private chat app.
This is why, even if you send the same message to 20 of your contacts on Telegram, Telegram will block your account.
That's why we use methods that do not have these restrictions and we can send your message to more than 10,000 people.
By buy Telegram bulk messages, you can send your desired message to an unlimited number of Telegram users.
Simply order this service and send us your desired message.
Send group messages to Telegram users
You can send the sales post of your products and services as a public message to all Telegram users. Sending group messages in Telegram has limitations on the amount of text and photos from Telegram, but do not worry about this, because we have removed these restrictions using special algorithms. And we can send your message to Telegram audience in any way you want.
Buy Telegram Bulk Message
Benefits of Sending Bulk Messages in Telegram
Instead of sending SMS to your audience, you can use the new and very practical Buy Telegram bulk message service. Because in this method there are no restrictions for you. Therefore, this method has a very good return for you and your business.
Sending bulk messages in Telegram to the personal chat page of Telegram audience will attract them to your Telegram channel and your business. This will increase your Telegram channel membership.
Without wasting your time to send messages to different people in Telegram, messages will be sent to the desired people using your account. Sending mass advertisements in Telegram for you will attract real and targeted members.
It is possible for you to increase your sales and interact more with the customers who need you by paying a low fee for advertising in Telegram.
By buy Telegram bulk message, you can display your products and services to your customers in the fastest way.

Increase Channel Views
Sending bulk messages in Telegram to the personal chat page of Telegram audience will attract them to your Telegram channel and your business. This will increase your Telegram channel membership.
Fast and Purposeful
Without wasting your time to send messages to different people in Telegram, messages will be sent to the desired people using your account. Sending mass advertisements in Telegram for you will attract real and targeted members.
Sales Increase
It is possible for you to increase your sales and interact more with the customers who need you by paying a low fee for advertising in Telegram. By buy Telegram bulk message, you can display your products and services to your customers in the fastest way.
Send Bulk Messages
Features of sending Telegram bulk messages
There is the ability to send videos and photos in private messages to Telegram members. (The smaller your file size, the better the return).
The number of words you enter for the text of a Telegram message is unlimited. (If your message is short and concise, it will be more effective).
Ability to send bulk Telegram advertising messages directly to people in a particular country, specific group, specific field of activity.
Send private messages in Telegram to business owners and members of different businesses in Telegram groups.
Ability to set the appropriate schedule for sending bulk private messages to Telegram members at your request.
The cost of sending bulk messages in Telegram is quite affordable and high-efficiency.
Advantages of using Telegram bulk messaging method
Sending a private message in Telegram is a very practical and excellent service. And it has a lot of returns for your business. We can expand the growth of your channel and business group by using the " Buy Telegram dms " or " Buy Telegram Bulk Message " service. If you send a private message to Telegram members with your Telegram account, it will be detected by Telegram, and Telegram will quickly block your account. But we can use the programs we have created to send your private message to the members of the Telegram group.
Attracting targeted members by sending bulk messages in Telegram
With the " Buy telegram message to targeted Members " method, only people who are interested in your business will join your group or channel, so this method is much healthier than other methods to attract Telegram members.
In this way, fewer members may join your group or channel, but the members who join your group or channel are actually interested in your business.
This method, like the " Buy Targeted Telegram Members " method, only attracts targeted members to your group and channel.
Therefore, we suggest that if you are looking to attract targeted members, use these two methods to attract targeted members in Telegram.
By sending bulk messages to Telegram Group members, you will undoubtedly increase your sales on Telegram, and gain more customers.
Buy Telegram Bulk Message
We have provided a service for you, where we can forward your channel post to your targeted members.
By doing this, targeted members will know that this promotional message has been forwarded to them from your channel.
By buy Telegram bulk message, you can take advantage of the many benefits of this service.
" Buy Telegram Forward Post " service can be effective and useful for promoting your Telegram channel.
The only method we can use to invite targeted and real members to your channel is to use the " Buy Forward Telegram Post " method.
You can send us a list of numbers or Telegram accounts that you have, so that we can send your advertising message to them.
Or you can send us the source groups , then we will scrape the real and online members of those groups, then we will send your advertising message or your channel's advertising post to them.
Send Message Telegram
There are two ways to send bulk messages to Telegram members:
In the first method, you can send us a list of Telegram IDs or accounts, then we will send your private message to those people.
In the second method you can send us a target group, then we will send your private message to the real and online members of that group.
We have provided all the conditions for you to be able to easily place your order, and achieve the desired result to attract a targeted user.
Buy Forward Telegram Channel Post
All business owners are active in social networks, that's why they use Telegram groups to attract real , online and targeted members for their business .
But if you use the Telegram channel for your business, and you want to attract real and targeted members to your channel, you should use the " Buy Telegram Bulk Message " method.
In this way, we send your advertising message or advertising post , which contains the content of your business advertisement and the address of your site or Telegram channel, to the target members.
By receiving your message , they will be curious to enter your channel or site, they may also become your regular customers.
We suggest that if you have a Telegram group , make sure to create a Telegram channel as well.
Because we can send or forward your channel's promotional message or post in a private message and direct message to real, online and targeted members of the source groups .
Procedures for placing an order and buy Telegram bulk message from Memberlak's site
After entering the Memberlak's site, you must specify what service you need. Then click on the same link to enter the page of the same service.
You have chosen one of the best services to attract real and targeted members to the your Telegram channel or group.
If your choice is the " Buy Telegram bulk message " service, you must go through the following steps step by step:
1- In the first step, you must enter the number of sent messages or the number of forwarded post that we will send to targeted members.
Important note:
A- You should keep in mind that you can enter between 500 and 100,000 targeted messages or targeted forwards .The more messages, the more discount you will get. You can get between %10 and %50 discount on higher orders from us.
B- We can send or forward 30,000 to 50,000 targeted messages to targeted members daily.
To ensure that your order is correct by us, you can first enter the page " Buy Telegram Free Bulk Messages ", then place the " Buy Free Bulk Messages " order.Then we will send 50 mass telegram messages to your targeted members. We do this to ensure that your order is processed correctly and as quickly as possible.
2- In the second step, you must send us the link of the source group or source groups correctly.
You can enter the resource group link in two ways:
B- @memberlakcom
If you have multiple resource groups, you can separate them with "-" and send them to us.
An example of submitting multiple resource groups: - -
Important note:
A- The link of resource groups must be a public link. Avoid posting private links as resource group links.B- The members of the source groups must not be hidden by the group admin or the group creator. Source group members must be visible in order for us to scrape them, and forward or send your promotional message or post to them.
C- The more members of the resource group, the more online members we can scratch. We never scratch fake members from source group. So don't worry and send us the resource group with more members.
D- Please send us only the link of the Telegram group as a source. Never send us a Telegram channel link as a source, because channel members cannot be scratched.
3- In the third step, you must specify the type of your message, which type of message you want to be sent to the targeted members :
A- Simple Message
B- Forward Channel Post
For the first time among the sites selling Telegram services, we have provided the " buy forward telegram direct message " feature for your better performance.
Important note:
A- By selecting the " simple message " option, you prepare a message with content (Text, Photo, Voice, Video, Sticker and Channel link or Site link) and send it to us.By choosing this option, fields will appear for you, in the first field, you will be asked for the content of the text, then in the second field, if you have a photo for your message, you can upload it, then the photo and your text in one We send messages to targeted members .
B- By selecting the " Forward channel post " option, we can forward one of your channel post to targeted members.
By selecting this option, a field will appear for you, in which you must enter the link of your desired post.
Note that the post link must be entered correctly.
An example of a channel post link:
4- In the fourth stage, we have added a new feature called "Setting photo and name for accounts" for the first time among social service sites to the " Buy Telegram Bulk Message " service.
By activating this option, two fields will appear for you, in the first field you enter the names of the accounts, and in the second field you upload the photos of the accounts.
We will then set your chosen name and photo to the accounts that will send your promotional post or message to targeted members.
Important note:
A- By activating this option, you pay an additional fee of $3 per 1000 bulk messages. This additional fee will be charged to you for setting up the account name and photo.B- This option increases the productivity and efficiency of your ads. Because targeted users feel that your message or post was sent to them by your dedicated accounts. For this reason, they trust your advertising message more.
5- After completing the above steps and completing all the required fields, you must click on the "Add to Cart" button.
Congratulations, you have successfully added your order to the shopping cart.
6- To view the services you have added to your shopping cart, you must click on the "View cart" button. Then enter the next page.
7- On this page, list of services that you have added to your shopping cart will be displayed for you.
So you can edit the number of services you have added to your shopping cart. You can also increase or decrease the number of specified services.
You should note that after editing your services, you must click on the "Update Cart" button so that your edits are registered in the cart.After reviewing this page, finally click on the "Proceed to checkout" button to enter the next page.
8- On this page, you must enter your general information.
General information including (First name *, Last name *, Email address *, Telegram ID * and Order Notes (optional)). Therefore, you must enter the fields marked with an asterisk.
We do not ask for your private and confidential information, sending public information is so that we can communicate with you and send you your order report.Remember:
Also, in the "Order Notes" section, if you have additional information, type this section.After entering the general information, it's time to specify the payment gateway and finally click on the "Place Order" button.
9-In the last step, you enter the payment page. On this page, payment information will be displayed for you and you can pay for your order.
After payment, the invoice will be displayed to you and your order will be sent to us.
Congratulations because you were able to correctly and successfully register the order "Buy targeted Telegram members" for yourself.
After you have successfully placed your order, it is the turn of our experts. Our experts will check your order and start your order as soon as possible.
Important note:
Remember to enter your general information correctly so that we can contact you if there is a problem.If you need advice before purchasing from our site, you can click the "Online Support" button at the top of the page. Then enter the Telegram environment and chat with our experts. You can ask the experts your questions about our services and any other questions. We are online 24/7 to answer your questions and requests.
We can tell you everything about social media
About Telegram services, Instagram services, and other social media services
If you do not find the answers to your frequently asked questions, you can contact us for free and full time through our Live Support Center.
Is sending private messages harmful to our business?
No, we send your private message to Telegram members using the programs we have created.
Do not worry, because we have all the security protocols in place, so as not to cause problems for your channel and group.
Yes, we can, using the Telegram Bulk Messaging service, send your private message to members of a specific group.
You can send us the target group, then we will send your bulk message to the real and active members of that group.
Your target group could be a country group or a business group or a sports group.
For advice and more information, you can send a message to our support team at Telegram.
Telegram Support: 🆔 @Memberlak_Support
Your bulk message can include text, audio, photos and short videos.
The shorter your content, or the smaller your audio, photo, and video files, the better your performance.
Because users pay more attention to short and concise content, and if they want to follow you, they will enter your channel or site.
Can we send bulk messages to Telegram users?
You can only send bulk private messages to 15 people, but these messages are annoying to many Telegram members, and they may report you to Telegram.
In this case, Telegram will block your account on the spot.
Our professional team has been able to design robots with which we can send your bulk messages to Telegram members.
Using these bots, we can send your private message to more than 10,000 Telegram users daily.
We suggest that you use the " Buy Telegram Automatic view " service in addition to this service.
We will send your private message to real and active members of Telegram.
We have designed our robots to send your message only to real and active members of Telegram.
If our robot detects that it is a fake or inactive member, it will not send your message to that member.
Our criteria for members to be real and active is that members who have been online until the day before are recognized as real and active members.
Our robots first identify members who are currently online, then identify members who were online the day before.
After identifying the real and active members in Telegram, it will send your message to them.
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